Social Media

Companies across all industries understand the importance of social media today, but it’s easy to underestimate the time, knowledge base and urgency required to do a good job. We’ve worked with many clients on their social media presence and content. In some cases, we’ve started new channels and programs from scratch and built an audience from the ground up. Much more often, we’ve worked with clients to take their existing social media to the next level in terms of engagement, audience expansion, value-rich content and thought leadership to ultimately grow the brand and support sales and market share.

Social media is critical to company sales efforts as it reaches new prospects and markets, expands brand awareness, and lays the foundation to create a warm environment conducive to sales. Because of this, social content cannot be treated frivolously or like an afterthought (“Oh here, post about our new data sheet or a picture of our picnic”). It has to be strategic and thoughtful and part of the broader marketing communications program. The goal of every single post should be to provide value and encourage meaningful interaction – that’s the core of the strategy.

Importantly, successful social media is relentless. It never lets you sleep. The timeliness and urgency of it is unyielding. Our team helps support our clients by providing and facilitating processes for monitoring to ensure responsiveness to any request or interactions.

Our social media services have helped clients grow their audiences and engagements, sometimes by as much as double, while elevating their content strategically to provide greater value for their audiences.